AK PARTS: “RetroArms AK Hop-Up Chamber” an Airworks review – HGDR On YouTube

This is a top-notch review by HGDR Entertainment on a well-made upgrade part for you AK owner/operators by RetroArms…Pay CLOSE ATTENTION to the “ups and downs” of the lever and body fitting…and be AIR SMART about clearing your gun every time you leave the field!

“The second video in the HGDR Airworks series concerns the AK Hop Up Chamber from RetroArms in the Czech Republic.

This hop up unit is an upgrade for any AK airsoft rifle and is cnc machine aluminium. You can buy it at your local shop (if they store them) or directly from RetroArms by visiting this link: https://www.retroarms.com/hop-up/hop-…

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