Unicorn and Fox ASSAULT A 747! – TWO Takes on YouTube from Unicorn Leah and Jet DesertFox

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MAN, everywhere I look I see FOXES and UNICORNS working together…latest sighting at the Cracker Barrel..??? (CLICK THE PIC to get your own UNICORN or FOX from the gift store…yea, LINKS!)

Ladies first when UNICORN LEAH gets her assaulter kit on and hits the ramp running!…AND THEN, it is THE DesertFox in the Plane Graveyard of the Mohave for his run through the Lion Claws Tactical Challenge!

“I got to join the Jet DesertFox, Evike Matt, D from Node, and the rest of the Evike.com crew for the Lion Claws Team Challenge. This event was held at the Mojave Air & Space Port in Mojave, CA….”

“Our first stage of the Lion’s Claw Tactical Challenge was a Boeing 747 hostage rescue mission. I won’t be showing any other stage because they were pretty terrible. So terrible that during our last stage one OPFOR tried to fight Miguel.

Check out all these other channels for other perspective’s of the Preview Postrescue:
Unicorn Leah – https://www.youtube.com/user/theairso…
NODE – https://www.youtube.com/user/Node
Evike.com – https://www.youtube.com/user/evikecom…”

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