MASSIVE DRONE VIEWS of OP BROKEN ARRROW SITE! – Room Service Airsoft on YouTube!

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MASSIVE! VIRGIN! MILSIM!  What is making us go WHOA DOGGIE this weekend is the video released by ROOM SERVICE AIRSOFT that shows DRONE CAMERAS SHOTS of the Tarheel Missile Plant site in Burlington, NC…home for the first-ever OP: BROKEN ARROW event put on by TOG MILSIM and AIRSOFT R’ US TACTICAL!

22-acres of a former manufacturing facility with more than a MILLION SQUARE FEET of space indoors and underground. And at least 3/4’s of it will be in-play (safety considerations may cut that some, but still…) on the weekend of March 18, 19 and 20, 2016!   GREAT WORK BY ROOM SERVICE to show you just a sample of the AO for this event!

CLICK THAT PIC to go to TOG MILSIM’s Event Page on Facebook for the latest information as the site prep continues, and get signed up NOW for a path-finder/plank-holder event that will only continue to grow!

“…We had the opportunity to get a sneak peek of TOG Milsim’s upcoming event, “OP BROKEN ARROW” scheduled March 18-20 2016.

This event takes place at an abandoned missile factory in Burlington NC.

If you are interested in the event remember there will be NO ON SITE REGISTRATION. This is a pre-registration ONLY event. There are also opportunities for different training classes during Friday. Make sure you read the rules and pack what you need for the event.

Never forget your RED DEAD RAG and RED GLOW STICK


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